Friday, December 18, 2009

No We Don't

Not sure how to write this post without sounding racist or xenophobic, but I am going to give it a try, (hell there probably isn't even anyone reading this anyway)
Had a gentleman come in to the store today, English was very obviously his second language. He asked me something, well mumbled it really and here is how the conversation went;
Me: "I'm sorry Sir, I didn't catch that"
Him: "Where I watch CD?"
Me: "CD? You mean DVD, movie?"
Him: "Yes, where I watch CD?"
Me: "Sorry Sir we don't have anywhere that you can watch a movie, you can buy one and take it home with you"
Him: "You got cheap CD's?"
Me: Yes, if you head straight down this aisle here, you will see our sale section, the cheapest ones are $10.00"
Him: "OK"
Said customer wanders off down to the sale section, glances over the cases then wanders into the internet booth. Uh oh here he comes again.
Him: "I watch CD in there?"
Me: No sorry, they are internet booths, computers, for going on the internet"
Him: "But I can watch a CD?"
Me: "In the internet booth you can put your money in and then watch a video clip, there are lots and lots of video clips on there or you can go to any website you want"
Him: "So I can buy CD and watch it in there?"
(Are you banging your head yet? Mine just decided to float free at this stage and I think it was watching pretty twinkling Christmas lights)
Me: "No Sir, there is absolutely nowhere in this store that you can watch a CD or a DVD, sorry"
The man then proceeded to stand in front of me and so god help me, if he opened his mouth again to ask where he could watch a CD, I was going to grab the one I had playing music behind me and ram it down his throat. He started to speak and before he got a chance I gave him directions to another store that I knew had a movie viewing booth, hell I even drew him a map! All he got from me after that was a huge smile as he was leaving the store to become someone else's problem.

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